(And How To Add 10-15% Topline Revenue Overnight)
Did you know that 82% of people who place orders with your store will only do it once? So 3 out of 4 people will never buy from you again.
Now more than ever you have to understand that if you make more money from each customer you can spend more money to acquire each customer. The person who can afford to spend the most to acquire a new customer, wins.
So we need to increase your average order value to not only give you the revenue to keep growing, but to give you the revenue to make your business work.
Increasing average order value at every opportunity is how I have been able to compete and win against some of the biggest cosmetics brands on the planet!
At a time where things are getting more and more unpredictable to be successful you have to make sure to:
Maximize your revenue
Optimize our checkout flow to make sure you’re showing offers in all the places most businesses just ignore.
This sounds over-simplified but in reality most businesses aren’t doing everything they can to just make more offers to their audience.
I’m not talking about launching more ads or funnels either.
Leave all of that the same just make more offers to the people already coming in through those channels. The main way to do this is through pre-purchase upsells, cross-sells and post-purchase upsells.
Pre-purchase upsells and cross sells can be offered in the buy box of your product pages, or you can do in cart upsells as someone is checking out.
This is a big opportunity for most businesses… but they usually don’t do this because they don’t want to hurt conversions.
But we’ve seen the opposite, it actually helps overall revenue numbers.
Across over 11,000 users of OneClickUpsell (Over 2,000 being Shopify Plus Stores) we’ve seen offering relevant cross sells pre-purchase helps increase revenue and AOV every time.
So if these stores are doing it, and it’s working… you should probably take their lead.
Post-Purchase upsells are what we built our entire business on.
When someone completes a checkout, instead of showing a traditional thank you page, we show them a one-time, relevant offer.
This is the biggest opportunity for any store and if you’re not AT LEAST doing this you’re literally leaving money on the table.
This alone (prior to having pre-purchase upsells available in our app) generated over $200M in additional revenue for our users.
This is tested and proven that post-purchase offers work to add to your bottom line.
Now, when used together it’s even more powerful.
Users who offer pre and post-purchase offers make on average 18-20% more than those that just use post-purchase offers.
So couple these two together for your store and you can’t lose.
Where most businesses who try offering upsells and cross sells get into trouble is when they try to use upsells to liquidate losing products.
Then they can’t figure out why it didn’t work.
If a product didn’t work on it’s own, it’s probably not going to work as an upsell … even if you want to liquidate your stock.
When your offers are irrelevant this is how you annoy your customers.
For example: If you just bought coffee, a relevant offer would be for creamer, or a mug.
No one is going to be upset about being asked if they’d like something that would enhance their experience.
This is by far the best performing offer you can make.
Across all of our 11,000 users we’ve seen that offering someone more of what they just bought at a discount performs best because they already said yes once, so they're most likely up for getting another at a discount.
No need to overcomplicate things. If you’re overwhelmed with where to start just pick your 2-3 best sellers to create pre and post-purchase upsells for. This will help you get more eyes on more offers and maximize your efforts. After all you’re a busy business owner, building funnels probably isn’t something you have a ton of time for.
If you have any time after that create an upsell funnel for collections. Then create an all products funnel as your catch all funnel to make sure no matter what product people buy they’re still seeing upsell offers.
*Here’s the caveat. We usually only discount post-purchase .
For most pre-purchase upsells we’re just asking if they’d be interested in adding popular products to their cart. And doing this works incredibly well. It’s like the last minute items in the checkout line at the store.
Where we do recommend you discount is post-purchase. Obviously you have to do whatever you can swing for your brand, but we like to see at least a 15% discount on post-purchase offers to make sure they’re as enticing as can be.
If they say yes to 1 upsell, always offer another.
OneClickUpsell allows you to offer 2 upsells and a downsell.
What we see is a certain percentage of people saying yes to upsell offer #1 will also say yes to upsell offer #2, so you might as well offer it.
Again it’s a numbers game, so the more offers you present, the more revenue goes up.
OneClickUpsell makes it easy to offer both traditional pre-purchase upsells and post-purchase upsells, so you can design the perfect sales funnel for every product.
When a customer sees your post-purchase upsell, they have already entered their payment information for the initial purchase. That means to accept your offer, they just need to click a single button. Easy for them, and an average of $18.60 per upsell for you!
Get all of the reward with none of the risk (over half a billion in revenue made for our users!)
OCU is co-developed by Shopify and fully integrated with their world-class checkout.
And to show you how great OCU is, we're giving you a 30-day free trial to try it out for yourself.